Monday, October 31, 2011


Today is the big day for travel.  The distance to travel is under 100 miles, but our speed will be in the 50-60mph range with one mountain pass to go over.  On that note, there is one bridge to go under on that mountain pass that is marked at 14 feet.  There is a sign indicating that vehicles over that must use the off ramp.  Even though we are slightly under, we our opting to use the off ramp as a precaution.

The drive went well over the pass and getting the unit into place went smooth.  Having a 3 ton jack to lift the corners and put the jack stands in place would have worked well if we remembered the bar to use it.  fortunately the ground was pretty level at the final destination and the rest of the lifting was done using only the tongue lift.

Even though it is in it's location, there is still a lot of work left to do.  The porch needs to be built (the metal is already cut and ready.)  The initial deck which will be a 5' wide by 4' foot extension with stairs on the hitch end of the deck.  Taking off the wheels and adding a skirting beneath the wheel wells.  I did secure the trailer with a tongue lock for now.

Now that it is up and stable, the furniture can go in and the decorating begins.  We are finding that certain furniture items will work, and other will be changing.  The couch and chairs are good.  The table sticks out too far and will need to be modified so it will not stick our beyond the chairs.

The stairs going up to the loft above the frig worked out well.  I anchored it on top and bottom and it feels very stable.

The bathroom is all hooked up and running.  I might add another shelve above the toilet to store more bathroom supplies.

The shower is in, but won't be utilized until after the winter months pass.  The water to the property is above ground and because there will be 2' of snow on the ground soon, so the cabin will be dry for the next 3-4 months. 
The kitchen is filling up quickly.  The kitchen shelves need to be put up so we have places to put plates, cups, and other supplies.  Well, just because the cabin is now in its location does not mean it is done.  There is still a lot to do.  I should have more done next week.  The hard part now is that it is now 1:45 drive to work on it now.

Good times are coming...


After a lot of scrambling to finish the cabin on time, we were able to get things ready for the big weigh in day. 

The kitchen cabinets are done.  The felted cloth made a nice finish to the face of the shelves.  It is all in effort to keep things light.

The pantry and pantry doors are now on as well as the pine that holds the frig.  The pine around the frig is heavily reinforced to hold our bodies because it is part of the access to the loft.  The new additions are still needing some polyurethane and the ladder needs to be installed on the top of the frig still. 

So we are off to the scales.
It took a 30 minutes to get the trailer off the jack stands.  It also took a 3 ton jack to lift it up the ends to slowly bring it down to the ground.  The next concern was how tall it would actually be when down on tires.  Are we going to clear all the power lines?  Especially the low one going to my house.

OK.  So down on the road and hooked to my Dad's 2500 series GMC with a duramax diesel, it was time to pull the tape.  The total height is officially at 13' 5" tall when down on the tires.   Sure seemed tall.

Down at the scales, we weighed in at 6850lbs.  I was sure it was going to weigh a little more.  The trailer is rated 10,000lbs.  It is a little tongue heavy which was apparent when towing down the road. 
Now that the weight is in.  It is time to go convert the flatbed trailer into a travel trailer. Down the the Washington DOL we go.   It was a little work going through the building receipts for all the purchases.  The taxes paid on those areas translate into tax saving on the licensing side. 

It is now a really big travel trailer and tomorrow is the big journey to it new resting place.

Monday, October 24, 2011

day 38 10/24/2011

We are getting down to crunch time.  I am trying to be done and ready to weigh in at the scales by Friday.  There are a lot of details still remaining.  Today was a good day to work on the kitchen and the closet/pantry.  We decided to go with an simple design without cabinets under the counter tops.  We are putting shelves under the counter tops where they won't interfere with the sink plumbing and hot water tank.  The pre-maid counter tops help to make it easier.  The ends are easy to finish on the counter tops. 

 I added some pine to the end to close things up.  I think I will also add some finish 1x3 to the face of the shells to make things look a little tighter.  The sink came from Ikea and fits well in smaller areas.  I put the hot water tank in its location, but still need to do the plumbing and strap the tank to the wall. 

I started to build the wall for the pantry which will be behind the door  I will build the shelves before I build the enclosing wall on my next day of work as I just ran out of time today.  The bottom half will be the closet for coats and shoes and stuff and will have its own door.  Same with the pantry on the top with 2 or 3 shelves to be built.

I put in 7 more hours today (265 total hours worked).

Day 37 10/18/2011

The pictures don't really pick up the detail from the polyurethane, but it is on and looks good.  I noticed that the color on the pine darkened a little with is ok.  It is a semi-gloss and it really gives it a good cabin look.  I have left a heater on it for a few days and I am struggling to get rid of the toxic smells.  I will try to cook it with more heat for a few days and then leave the windows open to air it out. 

It took 8 hours to apply the polyurethane and I still have a few area that are not done.
(258 total hours worked so far.)

Day 36 10/17/2011

The Pine is on and all done except for the pantry and the areas around the kitchen cabinets that are net yet installed.

There are still a few windows that need to be trimmed.  I ran out of material.  I decided to get started on the floor.  The OSB plywood that I used for the decking did buckle a little even though I gapped them in accordance with the manufacturer.  Nothing that a quick run with the belt sander couldn't handle.
I don't know that is was necessary, but I put another layer of felt paper down on top of the plywood. 

Time for some laminate flooring.  Most laminate flooring products go together quite easily.  and once you get your lines down and layout ready, it goes very quickly.

The laminate floor is very durable.  Even after I dropped a few tools on it, the marks never showed.  It looks really good done except for the base trim.

The floor is done and next will be the polyurethane.

I worked another 9 hours today.  (250 total hours worked)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 35 10/15/2011

The pine is done except for the window trim and cabinet work!
The dormers are continuing to provide challenges to my processes for sure.  I attached a ledger on the outside wall and above the window down 5 1/2" from the plywood.  That matches the existing 2 x 6 rafters. 

I ran the pine long in between the dormers and after I scribed a line, cut them off.    Once they were cut off, I attached a board to tie the corners together.

I am not sure how to trim the outside corners.  The corners went quite well and ended up amazingly tight. At this point, I am thinking that I might just hit the corners with the palm sander and call them good. 
I still need to trim out the winders and then I plan on hitting everything with a sander and knocking down any rough edges.  After that comes a nice coat of clear polyurethane.  Laminate flooring to follow...

I put in 10 man hours (241 total hours.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 34 10/12/2011

My Dad came over and helped today.  2 people get more than double the work of a single worker.  One person works the saw while the other lays in the loft and secures the wood with the nailer! 

Now the loft is really taking shape.  Having the pine up there is doing two things.  First, I don't have as much head room to put my head up between the rafters.  I guess it is good to know how much room I have to work with.  Second, The opportunities to crack your had on the rafters was cut in half today!!! 
I faced the dormers as well.  I need to face them before I attach the ledger to continue covering the rafters.
So I am rounding the corner with the end in sight.  I only have the half of the rafters to go before ALL is covered.  Of course there is still a lot of trim work to do, but I think it will all be done in a day.  I am hoping to be ready for a clear semi-gloss polyurethane on Sunday.  Tomorrow will be a much needed brake and then hopefully Friday will bring the closer.

9 hours today (231 total hours worked to date)

Day 33 10/11/2011 Continued

I started off with a good morning of work end ended with a good evening of work as well. 
Just finishing this end make the loft seem a little more cozy. 

I found that the loft will provide a good sleeping area, but there is not room to work with a saw and boards up there.  I guess it will be up and down and up and down on the ladder for me.  It is 11pm now and I and calling is quits for the night!

4 hours this morning and 4 more this evening makes it a pretty good day.
(222 total hours worked.)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 33 10/11/2011

I just wanted to post a quick video of the main floor now that the pine is in and done on (except the trim work).
We aren't done working today, but I am moving up to into the loft area.  I still need to finish some insulation, but I plan on getting a lot of wood up before throwing in the towel toninght.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 32 10/10/2002

I started boxing in the lights in the kitchen area until I ran out of material.  I originally purchased every package of pine that Lowes had.  Looks like is time to go get more.

I will be completely finished below the loft by tomorrow night (except for the trim), even though there are still a lot of loose ends to finish up. 
I am trying to use up some of the left over scrap and short pieces to box in all the lights and electrical. 

I am liking the finish look around the lights.  I will finish and clean up tomorrow and post a video tomorrow evening and hopefully give the full panaramic.

(4 hours today and 214 Total hours.)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 31 10/8/2011

I actually finished what I had scheduled to do today.  I did get a late start due to the normal family obligations and finished up at 10pm, but it looks good

It looks different from both the inside and outside.  I was concerned that when I put the pine on that it would make the cabin feel a little more closed in.  I actually lightens up the room a little more. 

 The Bathroom will still need a lot of trim work, but I guess I can say that about a lot of areas in the cabin.

This a look at the shower through the pocket sliding door.

The toilet, or where it will sit, sits opposite the shower.  From the idea of a cabin, the bathroom seems a little tight, but if you compared this to a trailer, we are in good shape.

I put in a solid 8 hours today (210 hours total to date.)

Day 30 10/7/2011

So, I was actually able to squeeze in 4 hours yesterday.  I really like how the pine is looking on the walls.  It goes on easy and the finish gives us the cabin look that we were going for.
I will use a inside rounded corner to trim out the corners after all the pine is up. 

Half of the main floor is done, except for the bathroom, which will be finished today.  I should be all done with everything below the loft by the end of tomorrow.  I worked another 4 hours yesterday.
(202 total hours worked)

Friday, October 7, 2011


No work today, but I do come home from 5 days of travel.  OK, I might try to squeeze in a few hours this evening.  I have the whole next week off and plan to work everyday on the tiny cabin.  I expect huge changes everyday!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 29 10/3/2011

I was hoping to spend more time on the cabin today, but the day went by way to fast.  I did manage to put in some more insulation and pine boards though.
Note that the 2 x 4 walls were built in flush with the trailer wheel well.  The pine boards were able to go right over them and conceal them.
Getting around the plumbing seemed to go fine.  It will all be covered by the counter top and shelving underneath.  The panel will still need to be trimmed out.  I am thinking that I might built a small hinged door to cover it.

I only worked 4 hours today (198 total hours to date).

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 28 10/1/2011

I guess the time has come to start insulating and putting up some Pine 3/8" x 3 1/2" tongue and groove pine.  I insulated the end wall and used all the scrap insulation to fill all the gaps around the windows. 
The window will get a ripped down 1" x 4" on the inside (still coming) and then trimmed around the face with a 1 1/2" x 1/4" pine trim.  For now, I am just cutting around the windows. 

I finished the pine on the end wall.  I attached them with 1" nails from my nailer.  I decided to face nail instead of trying to angle the nails near the tongue.  The boards are so thin that face nailing felt more secure. 
The end wall is completed and I look forward to finishing the rest of the pine.  I worked about 4 hours today (194 total man hours to date)