Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 24 and 25 9/14/2011-9/15/2011

Now that we are all dried in on the outside, it is time to re-focus on the electrical.  I should start with the fact that I am not and have never been a licensed electrician and do not claim to be.  I do have a licenced electrical contractor that will oversee and assist where needed on the entire electrical portion of the cabin. 

After a spending a lot of time on paper trying to organize the what goes where and how am I going to get there, it was time to start on the power.  My electician took care getting electical to the outside of the building with a 50 amp box to receive power from the 50 amp RV cord that I purchased via Poulsbo RV. The RV cord came with a male end on one end and open wires on the other so that a male end could go on that end as well.  I wanted a cord that plugs in on both ends so that it could be remove and stored as necessary.

I should have installed this box before the siding went on, but it will be on the back side of the building and out of sight.  I did use a polyurathane sealer to seal the unit from moisture and then bolted it through the siding and plywood with carriage bolts.  The box, when closed, has a place for a lock to secure the cord while it is plugged in.

On the inside, the electrian ran the wire to the panel so that I could tap into it with the four circuits that I planned on using.

From there, I was able to tap into the four cuircits that are all protected with 20 amp breakers.  I plugged into the house with an addapter so that the entire system can be tested and I could turn on some lights and work a little later on the inside.

and with the cover on...

I will build a cover for this out of pine after the walls get covered.

I did try several times to upload a video tour and I not sure why it is not working.  I will keep trying.
I put in 15 hours in the last two days.  (173 total man hours to date.)

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