It is official. The siding is all on, though I have found that I still have a ways to go before the siding is done.
My Dad came over today and we finished getting up all the siding, but we found that a lot of the cedar is wanting to curl up. I decided to remedy this by pre-drilling for a galvanized size 6 siding nail through the cedar only and about a half inch from the bottom and over 1.2 inches. The pre-drilling is to keep the cedar from splitting. I did a few and it seems to be sucking them down quite nicely.
This all has to be done before I caulk the corners and windows. We also found today that a permanent brown marker colors the galvanized nail heads and blends very well with the brick red semi-gloss stain.
So I officially plan on being done with the extra nails and caulking tomorrow. Then I will push hard to finish the plumbing this weekend and most of the electical this weekend. I will try to load some interior pics and maybe try to load a video as well. Between my Dad and I, we put in 10 hours today.
(Total man hours to date 158 hours.)
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